Strawberry Jam Kids
30 Baby Girl Names from the 1960s That You're Going to Love
A lot of baby girl names from the 1960s are familiar to us but there are a lot new parents haven't considered recently that I think deserve to make a comeback. I found...
Vintage Linens
I found some fabulous vintage linens my mom keeps for our camper trailer last weekend. Now I'm sure I've seen these all of my life, but I never truly appreciated...
Summer is around the corner and we couldn't be more excited
Summer is hands down my favorite season. I love being able to spend tons of time outside, going for adventures, not lugging around jackets, camping, and more. I was so...
New Strawberry Tube Socks
This week we brought in some super fun strawberry tube socks. They're the perfect accessory for spring! They're comfy, and cute. Pair them with shorts or a romper, or scrunch...
Spring Outfits for Baby Girls
Now is the perfect time to start stocking up your baby girl's spring wardrobes. Our floral rompers are perfect for Spring! Good for the season and cute enough for Easter!...
Retro Party Favor Ideas
A retro, boho, or flower power hippie birthday party is such a cute idea for a little one. I'm dying to throw a party with this theme, and I'm already...
The Strawberry Ringer T-Shirt
Why the name Strawberry Jam Kids? Because we love strawberries. Well, there's more to it than that but seriously, we do love strawberries around here. So I knew...
Where to Use Your Vinyl Stickers
Vinyl stickers are immensely popular right now, but aside from just collecting them, many people don't know all the places where to use them. There are a few obvious...
Spring - Summer Launch
We are so excited to be launching our first line for Strawberry Jam Kids. The collection features matching rompers and shirts for babies and girls in fun, retro inspired prints....